About Bond Lifestyle

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About Bond Lifestyle

Bond Lifestyle RemmertThe Bond Lifestyle website was founded in October 2005 by Remmert van Braam, in order to make an informational fan website about the products and brands that are used by the fictional character James Bond in movies and books. Since then, the site has become one of the most visited Bond websites in the world.

The information contained in this website is - to the best of the authors' knowledge and ability - accurate, truthful, factual, legal, and obtained from reliable and professional sources through considerable research and inquiry. The author will not be held responsible for any unintentional errors, incorrect information, or any inferences drawn from the content by any reader.

Use at your own discretion and care.


Bond Lifestyle wants to thank everyone that provided tips and suggestions, especially the members of the AJB007.co.uk forum for their valuable insights and research, David Zaritsky (The Bond ExperienceZaritsky Archive), Simon Ruzgar, Ajay Chowdhury, Joseph Darlington (aka Being James Bond), Peter Brooker (From Tailors With Love), Matt Spaiser (Bond Suits), Mattia De Varti, W. Adam Mendelbaum Esq, Jonathan (aka ASP9MM), Markus (BondToys.de), Mike Smith, Mark O'Connell (Catching Bullets), Richard & Leslie (Themepartypeople), Anders Frejdh (From Sweden With Love), Martijn Mulder (On The Tracks of 007), Merlijn Kuiper, Jorrit van der Valk (and the James Bond Club Nederland crew), Dell Deaton (JamesBondWatches.com), David Mason (Anthony Sinclair and Mason & Sons), Allen Hilburn, Sam Asaert (samasaert.com), Morten Steingrimsen (JamesBondNorge.no), Ben Williams (Doubleonothing), Agent Jeff W at Station C.

Remmert van Braam James Bond Lifestyle Aston Martin

Remmert Van Braam with Steffen Appel's Aston Martin DB5 at the Goldfinger Reloaded event in Switzerland in 2014 (read more here).

© No Time To Die © 2020 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danjaq, LLC, Eon Productions, Universal Pictures, United Artists.
© SPECTRE © 2015 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danjaq, LLC, Eon Productions, and Columbia Pictures,
© SkyFall © 2012 Danjaq, LLC, United Artists Corporation, Columbia Pictures, Inc.
007 Gun Logo, James Bond, SPECTRE Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, SkyFall and all other James Bond related brands © 1962-2015 Danjaq, LLC and United Artists Corporation. SPECTRE, SkyFall, 007 and related James Bond brands are property of Danjaq, LLC.

All other product names and marks on the site, whether trademarks, service marks, or other type, and whether registered or unregistered, are the property of their respective owners. Product photos copyright by their respective companies. Photos that mention Bond Lifestyle as copyright holder are property of Bond Lifestyle and can't be used without permission.

Bond Lifestyle respects the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact me

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Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click on the link or make a purchase using the link. When you make a purchase, the price you pay will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support the Bond Lifestyle website, and I genuinely appreciate your support. Amazon affiliate disclosure: This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.
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Thanks to everyone for your continued support.

Remmert van Braam
Founder Bond Lifestyle

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Remmert van Braam Bond Lifestyle



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