James Bond: The Man and His World

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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

James Bond: The Man and His World
James Bond: The Man and His World focuses on Ian Fleming and his James Bond novels.

James Bond: The Man and His World, the Official Companion to Ian Fleming's Creation by Henry Chancellor, is a fascinating account of James Bond and creator Ian Fleming.

The author had access to never-before-seen documents and material from the Ian Fleming archive to create this book.

The book is beautifully designed with lots of illustrations and scans of original documents, diaries, research notes and more.

The author of the book traces back which events and experiences of Ian Fleming inspired the stories in the James Bond books. Filled with dozens of facts and trivia about how Fleming got to his book titles, character names and products used by Bond.

Absolutely recommended!

James Bond: The Man and His World was released in 2005 but is still available. Some sellers ask very high prices, but on Abe Books you should be able to find used copies.

- Abe Books

- Amazon ($35, rated 4.9 stars)

- eBay (from $35)

Read an interview with Henry Chancellor on the Literary007 website.

John Murray Publishers
1st Edition (January 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0719568153
ISBN-13: 978-0719568152
Item Weight: 2.2 pounds / 1 kg
Dimensions: 7.87 x 10.04 x 0.91 inches (20 x 25 x 2 cm)

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