Pierre Cardin Classic Black Lacquer Lighter
In the movie SkyFall (2012), Severine (played by Bérénice Marlohe) is using a Pierre Cardin lighter in the Macau casino scene. The lighter is laying on the bar in the Macau casino. We see a close up of the lighter when Bond grabs Severine's hand to stop her from leaving the bar.
The Pierre Cardin Classic Black Lacquer Lighter with chrome top is operated by pressing and holding the large bar on top. Burns on Butane gas. The lighter measures 57mm x 39mm x 12mm. The lighter seen in the film has the Black Lacquer finish on the sides (modelnr. 105309), but the lighter is also available with Satin Silver sides (modelnr. 105312). Sometimes the black lighter is reffered to with modelnumbers MFH 227-01 or MFH 277-01.
The lighter is still available for approximately £30 ($50 or €35) on Amazon.co.uk (but this seller ships to the UK only), SmokersHeaven (UK, ships worldwide according to delivery information), Gauntleys (UK based, ships internationally but has just sold out) and might be found in specialist tobacco shops.