Tasco 7800 binoculars camera

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Tasco 7800 binoculars camera

James Bond (Roger Moore) uses a pair of Tasco 7800 binoculars to spy on hitman Hector Gonzales' villa in Spain in the movie For Your Eyes Only (1981).

Bond has the binoculars in his hands when he gets out of his Lotus Esprit Turbo and locks the car.

The Tasco 7800 binoculars can also take photos, and uses 110 film. We can just see a roll of 110 film, taken out of the camera, on the poolside table after Bond has been captured.

The camera was manufactured from 1977 to 1981. 

The Tasco 7800 can often be found on eBay for $30-$70.

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The 112mm lens has focusing from 10 meter to infinity and is coupled to the binocular lenses. The aperature adjust is on the barrel of the telephoto from f5.6 down to f22 with a single speed mechanical shutter at 1/125s. Due to the slow lens and long telephoto, taking photos was not very practical without the aid of a tripod (tripod mount is located on the right side) and a cable release. An accessory kit was avaliable with a table top tripod, a cable release, three 33mm filters (1A, Y48, ND2), lens hood, and a pair of eye cups. The oculars can be independently adjusted from -4 to +2 dioptres.

James Bond also uses Tasco binoculars in the movie The Living Daylights (1987).


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