Versace N76 shield sunglasses

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Bennett Winch SC Holdall

Versace N76 shield sunglasses
Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) wears Versace shield sunglasses in GoldenEye.

Xenia Onatopp (Famke Janssen) wears Versace shield sunglasses in GoldenEye (1995).

The glasses seems to be black and gold Versace shades, although we can't be sure of the exact model.

The model that is closest in shape and size to the ones worn by Xenia Onatopp is the Versace N76 852BK. There are a few other models that are similar, like the Versace T76 (but those are much 'higher' than the sleeker N76 model) and the Versace R76 (but those have vertical gold lines on the sides instead of the horizontal lines of the N76).

The sunglasses can briefly be seen when Xenia drives next to James Bond in her Ferrari F355 GTS. The angular frame and gold bar are visible at first and when she takes of the sunglasses we see the gold lines ends about half way down the sides.

Vintagte Versace shield glasses from the 1990s are very hard to find, even on eBay.

Other sunglases in GoldenEye include Pierce Brosnan's Persol 861 sunglasses and Jack Wade's American Optical aviators.


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