New photos of James Bond's Bentley Locomotive

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New photos of James Bond's Bentley Locomotive

New photos of the fan-made Bentley 'Locomotive' have surfaced and it makes the car look even better than before!

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos front

Last year the Bentley 'Locomotive' was featured in a YouTube video giving us a close look at the incredible details of this unique vehicle.

A Bond fan took it upon himself to recreate as closely as possible the Bentley owned by James Bond as described by Ian Fleming in the stories Thunderball, On Her Majesty's Secret Service and The Living Daylights

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos front 2

The story goes that the previous owner wrapped it around a lamp post on the Great West Road in London. James Bond then bought it, got the chassis straightened and had a bespoke body made.

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos side

The Mark 2 model, which is what the car is in theory based on, never really existed. The closest thing would have been an S2. except the S2 came with a V8, whereas Bond's car was described as having a straight six.

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos engine

So the model as Ian Fleming described it was never officially made, but was realized by Bond fan and car designer Tony Hunter.

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos top rear

Now the new photos show the car in all its glory, including the battleship grey exterior and stunning interior details.

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos rear

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos black leather seats

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos dashboard

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos telephone carphone

James Bond Bentley Locomotive new photos front grille close


All photos © Bentley (via TopGear)

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