Aston Martin DB5

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In 1964, James Bond, then played by Sean Connery was introduced to his silver Aston Martin DB5 in the film Goldfinger.

The DB5 caused a tremendous amount of talk, not only because of its timeless beauty but also because of those tempting gadgets that were fitted to it: oil spray, bullet proof shield, radar screen, revolving number plates, gun tray under driver's seat, tire slashers and of course the famous ejector seat with control button in the gear stick.

The car is crashed in Goldfinger but later recovered and restored by Q, as the car appears again in Thunderball (1965). The license plate number is BMT 216A.

The car can then be seen in GoldenEye (1995), driven by Pierce Brosnan to the Monte Carlo Casino, with a playful chase scene between Bond in his Aston Martin DB5 versus and Xenia Onatopp in her red Ferrari 355 GTS. The car is then fitted with an Alpine 7817R car radio that doubles as a printer and communication device, and a champagne cooler between the seats. The license plate has changed to BMT 214A.

The DB5 used for the filming was sold at auction in 2018 to SpyScape museum.

The car can be seen briefly in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) when Bond drives to the Ministry of Defence in London. The licence plate in this films reads BMT 214A, just like in GoldenEye.

A DB5 was present on the set Robert King's funeral scene in The World Is Not Enough, but this DB5 is NOT seen in the final film and James Bond is not driving it.

In Casino Royale (2006) we find out how Bond acquired the car, when Daniel Craig as Bond wins an Aston Martin DB5, license plate 56526, during a poker game in the Bahamas One & Only Club.

In SkyFall (2012) the Aston Martin DB5 is once again put to use when Bond drives M to Scotland in this car. It is one of the last scenes in the movie that is made so that it 'could have taken place in 1962' according to Sam Mendes in this videoblog about the DB5 in SkyFall. The license plate number is BMT 216A. The car is completely destroyed by Silva at the end of the film.

In SPECTRE (2015) Q restores the DB5 for Bond, and at the end of the movie we see James Bond drive away in London in the DB5 with Madeleine Swann (Léa Seydoux) in the passenger seat.

In No Time To Die (2020), James Bond once again drives the restored DB5, now with some new gadgets like machine guns behind the headlights. The car is involved in the biggest action scene of the car since Goldfinger.


Other films and video games

The DB5 can also be used in the video games 007 Racing, Agent Under Fire and From Russia with Love and James Bond 007: Blood Stone. The DB5 also made cameo appearances in the comedy film The Cannonball Run, driven by Roger Moore's character, and in the TV-film The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E., George Lazenby, playing a Bond-like character referred to as "JB", drives a DB5 (with the licence plate "JB").

DB5 Goldfinger Continuation model

In 2020, Aston Martin produces a limited edition of 25 DB5 Goldfinger Continuation models - full and original replicas of the Goldfinger car including working gadgets. Produced by Aston Martin at the original factory at Newport Agnell, in collaboration with EON Productions and James Bond special effects guru Chris Corbould. Available for £2.75m, plus taxes, but the car is not road legal. Read more about this ultimate Bond collectible.

Limited Edition photo prints

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Limited100 offers a very nice selection of exclusive Aston Martin DB5 photo prints - see them at and get 5% off if you use the code BONDLIFE5.

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This car reappears in the new movie 'Casino Royale' and we learn where he actually got the car...I suppose. Though the timeline is kindof all mess'd up now. Since his currrent car is way newer.

In reply to by stallionz (not verified)

You've missed an important detail. This is a left hand drive car, and the Goldfinger (and Skyfall) Cars are right hand drive...

You're right, his current car is "way newer" but this is the classic Bond car, it will never vanish from the Bond franchise unlike those horrible double breasted suits and the annoying limitless actor change of Blofeld. But back to the car, There is a very, very wonderful spot of the DB5 and a 21st century version of it on You Tube made by the amazing Top Gear.

Another interesting bit of info about the DB5...the 007 producers told Aston Martin they wanted to use this $12,500 car in Goldfinger in 1963 and they were hoping AM would supply them with one. The response the producers got from AM was something along the lines of "That sounds good and for $12,500 you can have one." This dissapointed the 007 crew and for the longest time, they went back and forth trying to decide if they should spend that much of their small production allowance on one but thankfully they did.

One last unfortunate bit of information. In 1986, Anthony Pugliese bought Bond's DB5 at an auction for $275,000. In 1997, the car was stolen and no one has seen it since. The one we saw in Casino Royale was sadly never driven by Connery. So now, Bond's original DB5 could be sitting in some drug dealers garage in some South American country, some dictator's driveway in a sandly Middle Eastern country, or in a scrap yard in Alabama...who knows.

Thanks Joel, added the video, see above.

Actually, the license plate on Bond's DB5 in Goldeneye was BMT 214A
Hot wheels has just come out with their version of a forest green 1963 Aston Martin DB5 for 2014, available on
Q first showed Bond the gadget-laden Aston Martin DB5 in Goldfinger. The one from Casino Royale must be a different one! Of course, the producers would never deviate from established canon, would they? ;^)
Why exactly did the license plate switch in Goldeneye, and switch back again in Skyfall?

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