Walther PPK

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"Walther PPK. 7.65 mm, with a delivery like a brick through a plate glass window. Takes a Brausch silencer with very little reduction in muzzle velocity. The American CIA swear by them."
- Major Boothroyd to 007, Dr. No

The Walther PPK was the weapon of choice for James Bond from the films Dr. No to Tomorrow Never Dies (except Moonraker and Octopussy) and again in Quantum of Solace, SkyFall and SPECTRE and probably No Time To Die. The gun is also mentioned in the Ian Fleming novels from Dr. No to The Man with the Golden Gun. It's the only gun / gadget that is used by all the Bond actors.

It all starts in Ian Fleming's novel Dr. No, when M, the head of MI6, orders Bond to turn in his Beretta pistol and replaces it with a 'superior' gun, the Walther PPK. Read the story of how the PPK became Bond's weapon of choice.

In Dr. No The weapon is referred to as a Walther PPK by M (Bernard Lee), but in actuality the production used this Walther PP .380 ACP. One of the original screen used PP guns was offered on auction at Julien's Auctions in 2020.

Walther PPK (Polizeipistole Kriminal or some say it comes from 'Polizeipistole Kurz' - Police pistol 'short', a shortened version of the Walther PP (Polizeipistole) and differs from it in size (shorter barrel and grip) and magazine size. The Walther PPK was first presented in 1931; it quickly became very popular among European police agencies and civilian shooters since the gun was reliable and easy to conceal, but of moderate power. During the Second World War the guns were issued to German military police personnel, high military officers and other military personnel.

Technical details
Type: Double Action
Overall length: 154 mm
Barrel length: 84 mm
Weight: 568 g
Capacity: 7 rounds

Since the 1960s, the Walther PPK has been replicated as an airsoft model or as James Bond branded toys, find a selection on eBay.

Pierce Brosnan has used the black leather Galco Executive Shoulder Holster for his PPK and P99 in his movies, get one of these holsters on UNCRATE ($170).

Galco Holster ppk

Galco Executive Holster

Daniel Craig has used a Vega IB333 Holster for his Walther PPK and also for his Walther P99, and this holster remains popular among Bond fans. A version for the PPK is available at Amazon for only $25, model number Vega IB333.

vega holster

Vega IB333 Holster


The SIS Training Gear webshop (which offers an SIS shirt inspired by the one worn by Bond in SkyFall) now also offers PPK t-shirts and mugs. Take a look at SIS Training Gear and get 10% off your order with code 'LIFESTYLE'.

ppk t-shirtppk mug

orlebar brown gold



im 15, and i love the walther ppk

In reply to by Patrick James Twohig (not verified)

The K in PPK while commonly understood to stand for Kurz actually stands for Kriminal, referring to the Police Detectives division of the German Police. It was designed with the idea of being worn by them in plain clothes, whereas uniformed police are already a target and thusly don't mind carrying a large outspoken firearm.
That's not correct. PPK really stands for Polizeipistole Kriminal as suggested in the article. It could be translated to police pistol detective model.

In reply to by Patrick James Twohig (not verified)

My uncle took a Walther ppk 380 off a German officer in WW2. The holster has a eagle with the swastica (?) made of metal and a short belt and buckle to keep the flap closed. My uncle was a paratrooper in WW2. I love the gun, so small and easy to shoot, and accurate.

In reply to by Patrick James Twohig (not verified)

I'm 59 and I have carried a PPK/s in .380 for over 30 years.

In reply to by Patrick James Twohig (not verified)

I much prefer the Bersa Firestorm .380 or Thunder .380. Both are essentially clones of the Walther PPk. I think this article missed a step. As I recall, Bond carried a Walther in either .25 or .380 and M made him switch... and of course, Bond tried to slip out of M's office with BOTH firearms but M was on to him.

For those of you without the means or the will to own a real firearm may I reconmend the ASGK PPK/s BB gun or the Walther made PPK Co2 Air gun. Having used both and owned a few of each they shoot great and better yet normally don't require any kind of licence. However normally you need to be 18+ to buy one today.

While no toys they are unlikly to kill anyone and are great for some casual shooting around the house. Better yet as the better ones are made by/under licence from Walther Germany, (Europe seems to have a good size air gun market) size, feel and action of the guns is very similiar to the real steel.

The better made official Co2 PPK uses Walther made capsules of Co2, mine are all marked as made in Germany, and fires small .177 or .22 lead free pellets. There are both .177 and .22 cal guns available if you look. As these are official products many (but by no means all) real steel PPK accesories work such as holters, cases and sights. On the air gun side of things extra magazines are also not hard to come by as Walther's air gun section Umarex make them and sell them to the public.

If buying don't pay more then £100 for any of the guns most can be picked up for around £70 and try and buy a Cybergun/KWC (from the far east but offical) or a Umarex gun.

A final note the .32 ACP (7.65mm) bullet is plenty for 007. Happy and safe shooting.

I own a PPK and PPK/s-1, both in .380ACP. Overall the PPK is a nice pocket / discreet pistol. There is a variety of holsters available from belt to inside the waistband and shoulder holsters to ankle holsters. I carry my PPK/s-1 every day and non is the wiser.

Nice pistols. I am still looking for an original .32ACP blued German made PPK though . . . The Original 007 PPK.


i own a ppk, originally bought not because of Bond, but because it is a precise gun at short distance. Only used for targets,is comfortable to hold, and discreet. little bit of trouble with recoil,adjusted by gently squeezing trigger as opposed to snatching at it.
of course with the omega, ericsson,
dinner suit and bmw, it all creates a recognizable image!!

Major Boothroyd to 007, A View to a Kill. He said it in Dr. No.


Thanks, W. Bill, you are correct, it has been adjusted.


Here is my website on Walther Handguns. It has been posted to be a help for safety, education and hobby.

All comments welcome. Thanks.


I own a Walther P99 in 40 Smith and Wesson. Similar to the one Pierce Brosnan used in the movies. It is the QA model, with the quicker trigger action. It is a beautiful weapon and very, very accurate.

In the home office guide to firearms for the police 2002 it say that farmers, vets etc can have a 32 pistol for human despatch of animals albeit reduced to two shot capacity. I was in the need of such a pistol but had to but a Czech pistol as I would have to wait two years to get a PPK ( a 32 is the same as 7.65mm) On asking why this was the dealer told me that the Walther PPK is the most popular humane killer for farmers in the home counties. I wonder why

In reply to by robin (not verified)

That was the pistol use to dispatch Adolf Hitler in 7.65mm.

Encountering many complaints about the American made Walther ppk/s...weight seems silly problem...reliability is different matter...ammunition OAL sensititve ( golly, is this the first time ? )...aftermarket magazines ( golly, again ? ) heavy trigger weight, no sights


I inherited my Dad's 7.65mm Walther PPK that he "liberated" from a German officer in WWII. I always admired this gun but never got to fire it while he was alive. I now carry it as my off duty concealed weapon. It is the most comfortable concealed weapon I have ever used and the sweetest firing.

I finally have got one of these. It took me two years and £500. There is a section 5 dealer on www.guntrader.co.uk that sells these

Great little pistol. I own one if these in .380, and at 15 yrds, it's dead on. Fits the hand well, and easy to carry.

Most people think this is an ideal carry gun because of the films. I can't say that. 7.65mm(.32acp for those of us that are yankees) isn't a great caliber, but we can get them in .380 (9x17mm for you metric fans) in that case it's decent. But there's much smaller .380 pistols available with the same capacity in the states. But it is an elegant gun to own

Walthers are great. Enough said, but they do have their...problems you could say. As far as all German products made, if you don't like something, deal with it. Germany spends years developing a product before puting it into circulation so how it comes from the factory is "perfection" to the Germans and they don't want you messing with it. But for instance, my P99 QA has no safety besides your finger. There is the decocker button but your choices are either having to slightly rack the slide before firing which isn't ideal in situations which require quick reactions, or keeping the gun on "red" all the time and possibly blowing part of your leg off. The PPK obviously has a safety but it's heavy and has an odd slide release mechanism. Reflecting, Walthers are as weird as Glocks.

I own this gun, and absolutely love it.. Even though it doesn't quite deliver a hit like a brick through a stain glass window....

This is the most iconic and stylish Bond item. It is also his most important and one of his least frivolous.

Mine is a recently made S&W version. It is extrodinarily accurate little gun. It sure beats the souless plastic pistols of today.

In reply to by King (not verified)

His omega seamaster has been with him longer and more iconic to those who have style.

If you're not a big burly guy, this is the CCW that doesn't show or mess up the fit of your suit. Though if you're a suit and tie type, you should have a really good holster and have your tailor fit the suits with it. Doesn't have the knock-down power of the big ones, but for close in and buying time, it is an effective weapon.

I carry a .380 PPK as my off duty and backup weapon as a police officer. I've owned it for 4 years now, and absolutely think its the sexiest pistol ever made, as well as bone-stock reliable.
Isn't it illegal to posses a real gun in the uk, and isnt it illegal to order guns online in the usa, unless these aren't real guns?
It is illegal to own weapons across pretty much all of Europe, the u.k., he'll pretty much that entire continent. . In the states you can order whatever you want online, but it has to be shipped to a licensed FFI gun dealer, and transfered into your name thru the dealer.. and unless the bond films are the only ones using real weapons (which I doubt), the guns depicted in the films are more than likely props.. hope this info helped..
The PPK/S in .380 is a viable alternative to the 7.65 PPK. mimimally larger with 8 rounds and more stopping power. Its the Rolex of the steel frame small pistols, particlarly with a CTS laser sight!
In Skyfall Bond is issued the Walther PPK/S in "9mm Short" (aka "9mm Kurz" in Germany, and ".380 caliber" in the U.S.). The one he's issued has a palm reader in the grip installed by Q-Branch so that only Bond can fire it. The difference between the PPK and the PPK/S is the PPK/S has a larger Walther PP frame with a PPK slide. The reason for the creation of the PPK/S is that in 1968 the U.S. banned importation of small pocket pistols, including the PPK. Walther countered by offering the PPK/S which is large enough to be allowed for import. The PPK/S has one more round capacity due to the longer grip. For over 30 years the PPK was unavailable for purchase new in America. In the early 2000s Smith & Wesson entered into a licensing deal with Walther and started manufacturing both the PPK and the PPK/S in America. However, it's been widely reported that the quality isn't as good as the German-made Walthers. In Skyfall after Bond ignores Q's warning and loses the PPK/S he appears in later scenes with a PPK.
"Walther PPK. Standard issue, British Secret Service. License to kill... or be killed. Take him away!" -- Hector Gonzales, "For Your Eyes Only"
I'm very confused as to why the production has reverted back to the PPK. Here is my argument... The switch from the PPK to the P99 in the films was as drastic as the switch from the Beretta to the PPK in the books, given Bond's background with his Beretta. Secondly, if the "new" Bond is meant to be the "updated" version, why oh why have they reverted back to such an old school, but not necessarily old fashioned, weapon? As I stated in a post about the DBS, that supposedly issued gadget is actually sort of comical. Are we supposed to believe that MI6 just issues out flashy $220,000 sports cars to all of their "undercover" operatives? If so, if I were a British citizen, I would be seriously concerned about where my tax money is going. In Skyfall, they fixed that issue. In Skyfall, MI6 issued Bond no Astons and we routinely saw Jags as company cars which is far more logical. Also, we saw that Bond had claimed his DB5 as his personal car, which, in the books, tinkering with cars was one of Bond's only personal pashions. This is also much more logical (as long as you subtract the completely illogical missiles and machine guns someone supposedly installed). In the same respect, issuing out PPKs instead of P99s or the newest PPQ is nearly the same as issuing Bond a telephone booth instead of a cell phone. If we were to believe Bond runs around with a PPK, the production should have woven into the story that the PPK is Bond's personal gun and they should've issued a P99 in the art gallery. Now I know that the UK has all sorts of gun bans and all that, but I could bring up the DB5's armory issue again. I also understand that the PPK is much smaller than the P99 and easier to conceal, but has that real life issue ever been a problem for Bond? Nope. I'm a big fan of the PPK but this choice just makes no sense.
I was trained by CIA at Monterey but refused to work for them after the poor handling of my criminal report of CIA drug trafficking. I studied at the premier gunsmithing school in the U.S. I had an opportunity to buy the banned PPK when I was assigned to Berlin (not CIA) in the 60's, but passed. I noticed that in Skyfall, Bond fires a very poor group of 9 shots on a silhouette target. How is this possible with a PPK (7 shot) or PPK/S (8 shot). Was this a 22LR or 25 ACP model? The holes look like .356 inch diameter. Ian Fleming had poor technical advisers, and Hollywood cocks it up even worse. Also, in the opening scene, the double-drum magazine used by his adversary is a miserable jam-o-matic nightmare. Only in cinema can writers make so many mistakes. I suspect the next Bond sidearm to be a hunting knife, as this was used to finish the villain in Skyfall. But, of course, Q will hide a barrel for a 9mm Browning Short in the handle. Product placement will be for Wilkinson Sword.
PPK stands for Polizei-Pistole Kriminal not "Kurz". Kriminal in German refers to a detective. The PPK was intended as a Police detective's pistol. "Pistols, Revolvers, and Ammunition" by Josserand and Stevenson. pp. pp. 238–239. ISBN 0517165163. "The PPK was intended as a concealment gun for detectives, hence its name, Polizei-Pistole Kriminal..."
"7.65 mm, with a delivery like a brick through a plate glass window." That's an odd statement. Was he supposed to be talking about the power of the round there? Even later in the article, describing the round as "but of moderate power" isn't really accurate. Heck, there's only 1 common centerfire round that's less powerful than .32 ACP, and that's .25 ACP. For example: 9mm, a round plenty adequate, but not considered overkill by any means, is often as much as 3x as energetic as a .32 ACP. Don't get me wrong, I carry a .32 ACP in my pocket quite often (kel-tec P32). I'm not trying to bash it. It'll put people into the dirt with proper shot placement. But nothing is gained by representing it inaccurately. In reality, it's one of the weakest centerfire rounds in existence.
A touch of suggestion for you. The K in ppk is commonly attributed to mean Kurz, it small/short in German. That is not the correct abreviation. The K instead stands for Kriminal. Which was a term used at the time roughly analogous to detective.
Most PPKs are actually single action/double action with a safety/decocker. You would carry them in double action mode, though, decocked, hammer down, safety off. The 7.65 mm pistol holds seven in the magazine and one in the pipe, total of eight. It is still a good pistol for a conceal carry piece, 8 32 acps are pretty good, although modern micros chambered in 9mm or .380 are now probably the better choice.
Love my S&W PK, .380 though it is a bit heavy and has an unexpected hefty recoil given the weight, but it is very, very accurate. While it is downsized, it isn't a pocket pistol like the Beretta M418 or Ruger LCP, but it is concealable. Plus you get some decent firepower, unless you are obsessed with the huge, crude calibers. I prefer the more sophisticate solution that is more likely to be there if I ever need it; plus you get that Bond, James Bond, je ne se qua as a bonus!
Ian Fleming was a charismatic, adventurer who served as a reserve officer with British Naval Intelligence during the war. A ladies man, he married late in life and was anything but faithful and not much of a father. His son, Caspar, sadly took his own life. He took to writing out of boredom and depression over aging. He was very explicit regarding equipment, cars, clothes, whiskey, guns, but knew little about guns. He even spelled "Biretta" incorrectly in describing Bond's original gun, a .25 caliber. The Beretta model at that time (1953) would have been a Model 418, an anemic weapon and Fleming was corrected by one of his biggest fans, Geoffrey Boothroyd, a legitimate firearms expert. Even with this advise, Fleming screwed up again. Boothroyd recommended a S&W Centennial Airweight equipped with a Berns-Martin Triple-draw holster. Fleming chose the sexier but less effective Walther PPK and the Berns Martin which was designed for the S&W, not the Walther. Prior comments are very accurate in that the PPK would not be a great choice compared to today's options any more than an Aston Martin DB5 or Bond's pre-War Bentley would excel over a new car of almost any variety. This is fiction and Hollywood, however and Walthers and Bentleys are about as sexy as you can get.
For those intent on having a "real PPK, I do sell live ones (section 5) but they can be deactivated, or restricted to 2 shot for Humane Killing.
I own and carry a S&W PPKs in .380 ACP. It's extremely well made and accurate. With practice I can put an 8 shot grouping in a 4" circle at 15 yards. (7 in the mag and 1 in the pipe) It's a beautiful weapon. That is as much the reason for Bond carrying it as anything. But it real life it's a sweet pistol with serious capability in a trained hand.
PPK stands for Polizei Pistol Kriminal (Police Pistol Criminal), or detective model. The K does not stand for Kurz.
Don't comment if you don't know. They were asked to make a concealed weapon for law inforcment. There's dozens of documents detailing that.
In Dr. No Bond is not handed a PPK he is handed a Walther PP. The nose of the gun is to long. It is clearly seen and is seen again during the shooting the dragon seen clearly. Also bond puts a Beretta 1934 or 1935 down onto the table. Which is either the same caliber or larger then the gun he is handed. In Ian's novel Bond has a Beretta 418 with is 25ACP. The Walther PPK would be a more powerful gun. However Bond has a Beretta 1934/5 taken from him and is handed the longer Walther PP. Note during the attack the dragon scene Bond's Walther suddenly turns into a Colt 1911 and then back into the Walther PP during the shot.
Lol bond prefered the Barretta 950 Jetfire over Walther PPK. Guess everyone is an expert and no one has seen Dr. No
Apart from its sleek look, I always loved the PPk due to its continuation. Its Bond's weapon of choice, no matter who portrays him. Just my opinion. Really special weapon; looking to get one for myself soon.
Lol @ Bersa. I’d rather have a Makarov than any garbage made by Bersa...
The auctioned Walther PP serial number 19174A in 9mm kurz was manufactured/proofed in 1964 (the "64" proof mark is even visible on the latest high-resolution pictures from the auction in December 2020). Someone please has to explain to me, how it's possible that this particular gun could have been used in a movie that was made two years earlier, namely in 1962. It's a case of mistake or fraud.

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