Burne-Jones: The Life and Works of Sir Edward Burne-Jones
In Casino Royale, on a small table in M's apartment, we have spotted a hardcover copy of Burne-Jones: The Life and Works of Sir Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) by Christopher Wood.
The book is laying in front of James Bond (Daniel Craig) when he's waiting for M in her apartment and playing with a deck of cards (right after he used M's laptop). We identified the book by close observation of a photo in Bond on Set: Filming Casino Royale, where the book can just be seen well enough for identification.
The cover of this book about painter Sir Edward Burne Jones features a detail of the painting "Garden of Hesperides" (ca. 1870-1873).
There are several versions of this book but the same version as seen in the film (as pictured on the left) can be found on Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk.
The chairs that Bond and M are sitting on in that room, are Barcelona designer chairs. The office chair that Bond sits on while checking M's laptop is a Herman Miller Aeron office chair.