Jack Daniel's Whiskey

Bond drinks Jack Daniel's in the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Ian Fleming, 1963), the novel You Only Live Twice (Ian Fleming, 1964) and in the movie GoldenEye (1995).
In the movie GoldenEye Bond is drinking Jack Daniel's whiskey with M in her office. The bottle can be seen on the counter, at around 49 minutes into the movie. it looks like M and Bond drink from Duralex tumblers.
The name is not mentioned, but the drink is only referred to as 'bourbon', which technically is incorrect since Jack Daniel's is a Tennessee Whiskey, produced in a different way than a Bourbon Whiskey: Tennessee whiskeys are charcoal filtered for several days.
M: Would you care for a drink?
007: Your predessesor kept some cognac in the top drawer of...
M: I prefer Bourbon. Ice?
007: Yes.
In the novel On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Bond pours himself "a stiff Jack Daniel's sourmash bourbon on the rocks and added some water" (Ian Fleming, 1963), when he is in Draco's office.
In the novel You Only Live Twice, Bond orders a "pint of Jack Daniels" (Ian Fleming, 1964) with a double portion of eggs Benedict in his hotel room in Kyoto.
In the movie The Living Daylights, a bottle of Jack Daniel's can be spotted very briefly in the boat where Bond meets up with his CIA friend Felix Leiter. They don't drink the Jack, but instead Leiter grabs a bottle of Jim Beam.
About Jack Daniel's
Jack Daniel's is a brand of Tennessee whiskey that is among the world's best-selling liquors and is known for its square bottles and black label. It has been prominently featured in movies, songs, and novels, and is strongly linked to rock and roll, country music, American biker culture, Jimmy Page, Frank Sinatra, Keith Richards, Lemmy, Nikki Sixx and Slash.
Thanks to Terrence for the alert
Jack Daniel's is a decent whiskey, but Maker's Mark Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is the next level up.
And here was I thinking that James Bond rank Old Gandad.
Jack and James. My two best friends who will surely get you into mischief and both look brilliant in black and white.
No Aleks, just no. Jack Daniels blows MM out of the water.
In fact, I'd rather drink EW then MM. I don't understand MM's following, to each his own I guess.
Actually guys, Jack Daniels is far over rated, Makers Mark is way over appreciated, and Evan Williams is simply misunderstood because of its love price. Next time your at the liquor store try some Evan Williams Single Barrel blows all of the above out of the water, give it a shot, you WONT be disappointed.
Jack Daniel's is not bourbon.
It is Tennessee Whiskey.
There is a difference.