Nike Air Articulate II
The shoes that Bond wears during the Casino Royale Venice scene, seem to be a pair of Nike Air Articulate II.
Another hard to find item, as these were already out of production at the time of the release of the film.
The exact color/fabric combination is still unidentified. Do you have any photos of Nike Air Articulate II shoes that seem more like the ones from the movie, or do you own a pair yourself, please post a comment below or contact Bond Lifestyle.
Thanks to Stefan Hills and MI6 agent Bluetone for the alert
During* the venice scene.
Ive just come back from PRAGUE(THE OLD SPIES STOMPING GROUND..), and while there I went into the nike store on wenslaslas square hoping to find air articulates however what I did find was a pair of AIR AFFECT NL which do seem to bear a better resemblance to the shoes in the screen shots.. for info they are in a dark grey suede and look quite rugged and the part.. I bought a pair and am more than happy with the similarity..(please note I think Nike produce different shoes for different they might not show on some of nikes websites..)
Does anyone know the brands of the clothing worn by Craig suring the venice scene? the long sleeve blue polo shirt and the navy blue pants.
From what I can tell, the series itself is called "6C Leather;" that's what's listed on my receipt. Mine have suede uppers (like the gray ones here except black- as such: and that was the only "black" option (also the only suede option) at the time I purchased. That being said, the current black 6C listed on Nike's website is not the version I have- it is plain leather like the black Air Articulates above- sort of basketballish, with the suede nowhere to be found. The difference between regular leather and suede should be very noticeable even from the photos online. While I believe we are talking about the same shoe, you might be running into an issue with a redesign.
I have a pair for sale on ebay at djtruegurl. I'm just about to list them so they won't be up right away. Mine are all leather with red accents.
The Air Series 6C is being sold as a "leather" shoe. Do they have a "suede" version too, or am I just talking semantics about the same shoe? Hard to tell if it has a suede or leather feel by looking at them online.
Hi again. Forgot to say that the ones in the movie are really Nike air articullate II. It's possible to see the sole pattern when Craig is entering in Venice branch of the bank. The patern is just like the grey ones. Hug, Rodolfo.
Hi! I just want to say that there are several colours of this model. I've seen in blue, white/blue, white/red, light brown, and the ondes in the picture. But i never saw the onde in the movie. Probabily they exist. I'ts realy dificult to find this model. I've searched all over Oporto and other cities of Portugal. The lack of available sizes is a major problem. I think i'm going for the ones in light brown. Cost: 85 euros. Good work on the search! Hug, Rodolfo.
Christian is quite correct; the Nike 6c is virtually a dead ringer for the shoe worn in the movie, right down to the sole pattern and last, with the exception of color (and size of swoosh.) Just purchased a pair of these myself in black suede. Extremely comfortable and stylish- wish they were gray like the movie. Perhaps they were colored?
Alas, it seems the 6c is also a discontinued item. I got mine through FinishLine, and it took them a week to fulfill the order by calling each store. They appear to only have one size left in the black (although other colors are still available). A good choice if you can find them.
I know this shoe is not only discontinued, but also a European model. I did find a comparable US style of Nike. It is the Nike Air Series 6C Plus. I found them at an Nike Outlet store. The similarities are striking. I snapped a picture of them with my Sony Ericsson K800 if you want to see them.
Hello people. I have been searching during a long time this nike shoes and also de converse, now, i got the big surprise that someone in ebay got the model un suede size 7.5 for US (Europe 40.5; UK 6.5; 25.5 to 26 cms),try your search as: Nike Air Series 6C Plus Black Men Athletic shoes Sz 7.5
the problem is that the seller just can ship them into de US... what a shame for many of us.........BEST REGARDS
The Nike 6 series C is hard to find but almost identical are the Nike Air Series 6D and 6E i think there's a 6F too
Do you know where i can find these??
Please tell me a site where i can buy this shoes, because I haven't find one:((
I'm actually very surprised these are the trainers Bond wears.
I first stumbled on these in a sale some years ago. I love them and try to grab a pair whenever I can find them as they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned! Knowing that they are part of Bond's apparel just add extra reason for me to wear them.
I have had one blue, two black and one white pair(s) of these. I still have white in very good shape and I am wearing the last black pair I have down to the bone.
I'm surprised these are no longer in production as they look and feel great.
i had the gray one back in 2005 , i bought it from morocco , and i threw it when it got old but i can't find it anywhere now, i tried in china too , i think u will have to order a custom and it will cost over $500 , so please if someone have an idea where i can find the gray one , msg me :
thank you