Visiting Casino Royale locations in Prague

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Visiting Casino Royale locations in Prague

Nico Knüpfer and his girlfriend Janette made this photo reportage of their visit of Casino Royale filming locations in the center of Prague. As a true lifestyler he did his visit in style, wearing a Sunspel V-neck t-shirt, Tom Ford Polo and Tom Ford sunglasses and Mercer jeans/Levi's jeans and Church's Ryder III boots.

The first location is the Danube House in the center of Prague (Dryden's Office in the pre-title sequence where Bond has to kill two guys to receive his 00-status).

Casin0 Royale Prague 1

Casino Royale Prague 2

The elevators.

Casino Royale Prague elevators

Casino ROyale Prague 3

This footage was only seen in the Casino Royale teaser (Dryden walking through the entrance hall):

Casino Royale dryden office

Casino Royael prague dryden

casino royale prague 7

Casino Royale Prague 8

Directly opposite is the second location... The Ministry of Transport which doubles as the Miami Airport exterior:

Prague Miami airport

miami airport casino royale

Casino Royale airport

Miami Airport Casino Royale Prague

The Vitkov monument (Body World Exhibit interior... closed).

vitkov monument body world casino royale

vitkov monument body world casino royale

vitkov prague

vitkov prague 2

miami bodyworlds interior

Strahov Monastery (M in the house of commons). Nico with his travel companion: On the Track of 007.

on the tracks of casino royale

m interior prague casino royale

m interior 2

interior m prague

National Museum (Bond & Vesper's Hotel in Venice). Funny story: the museum is closed until 2016 because of renovation work! No entrance for anyone, but a security guard let me in for a picture… he said not to get in front of the security cameras, or he would lose his job.

national museum prague james bond casino royale

prague museum

prague hotel museum

prague james bond casino royale 2

james bond prague venice

casino royale hotel venice vesper bond

All photos copyright 2012 Nico Knüpfer. All Casino Royale screenshots copyright 2006 Danjaq LLC, Universal Pictures, Columbia.

Do you have a story or photos of your visit to a Bond location? Contact Bond Lifestyle.

All copyrights for products, logos, images etc are held by their respective owners. Bond Lifestyle is not responsible for these articles, please take any queries up with the author.

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