Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond
As the author Robert Caplen asks in his first chapter: why another book about Bond? One answer is simply that there can never be enough of a good thing.
A second answer is that little scholarship has been written about the cinematic and literary worlds of Bond. Analyzing the Bond phenomenon beyond the surface may seem somewhat unconventional, or even trite. In fact, James Chapman began his study of the Bond franchise by asking, "Why should we take James Bond seriously?" Other scholars, such as Christoph Lindner, advanced the position that "we can no longer afford not to take James Bond seriously."
Robert Caplen has chosen to write exclusively about the most celebrated, often trivialized, but ultimately academically neglected Bondian subject: the Bond Girl.
Although she has been lauded by some as a liberated woman and true feminist archetype, the Bond Girl has virtually escaped critical study - until now. Released through Xlibris, Robert A. Caplen's Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond analyzes the cinematic Bond Girl and argues that the character initially served as a different archetype: one that reinforced a traditional, feminine ideal that served as a powerful reactionary symbol against the gender equality movement that gained prominence in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s.
The Bond Girl is one of the most recognized and celebrated cultural icons of the last fifty years. First introduced in Ian Fleming's novels and short stories, producers Albert "Cubby" R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman breathed life into her cinematic manifestation beginning with Dr. No in 1962. Since then, the world has been fascinated by the Bond Girl.
Shaken & Stirred: The Feminism of James Bond provides a glimpse into "second wave" feminism, the Women's Liberation Movement, and cultural representations of women during the latter half of the American twentieth century through a Bondian lens. It traces the evolutionary journey of the cinematic Bond Girl and assesses her cultural impact, revealing who she is and what she represents during the first eleven films in the James Bond franchise, a seventeen-year period described as the Golden Era of the Bond Girl, and beyond. Take a look at the Table of contents and the first few pages with Amazon's 'Look Inside' feature.
About the author
Robert A. Caplen is the author of numerous works of legal scholarship that have been published and cited in law reviews and journals across the United States. An alumnus of Boston University, where he earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in American history, and the University of Florida Levin College of Law, Mr. Caplen practices law and resides in Washington, DC.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4535-1281-4
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-4535-1282-1
eBook; ISBN: 978-1-4535-1283-8