Walther PPS

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In the new 007 novel Carte Blanche, James Bond uses a Walther PPS gun.

The Walther PPS (Polizeipistole Schmal or Police Pistol Short) is a semi-automatic pistol, first shown in 2007. A successor to the legendary Walther PPK, Bond's choice of weapon in most of the films. It's a slim polymer framed weapon of similar size to the Walther PPK. The PPS comes in 9mm and S&W 40. The 9mm version features magazines of 6, 7 and 8 round lengths so the shooter can customize the grip to his or her hand size and concealment needs. The .40 S&W comes with 5 & 6 round magazines (7 round available).

Features of the PPS include: Ambidextrous Magazine Release, Two Magazine Sizes (Third Optional), Loaded Chamber & Cocking Indicators, Small & Large Backstrap, Trigger Safety, Internal Striker Safety, Walther QuickSafe Safety.

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Entirely too big! Bond was a realist and would have chosen a min-Glock. He's still have the 9mm, but with several more rounds in the mag.
the baby glocks are actually about the same size as the PPS, except the PPS is much thinner and less blocky. not too big at all.
ACtually it's not. I have one and I like the size of it. Remember that he also used other Walthers that were bigger than the PPK and they did just fine. The magazine sizes vary (I can't use the shorter one because my hand size) and it's a nice gun. I do better with it when I 'm rapid firing rather than single shots.
The PPS is not big at all and has a very flat profile. It carries 6 rounds of 9mm ammo and has a snag proof profile which is what you would want to deploy the firearm fast. The PPS is comparable in size and weight to the Walther PPK. As for Bond being a realist with this gun, remember Bond started out with at Beretta model 418 .25 auto, then was issued at Walther PPK 7.65mm or .32 auto, which switched to at Walther PPK in .380 auto or 9mm kruz. The PPS is more realist for his missions then you may think.
I have to agree with Travis C. The PPS is a fantastic gun for everyday carry, it is practical and slim, the ppk I know is a classic Bond gun, however the .380 round does not make sense nowadays. The 9mm on the PPS gives all the beneifts of being a slim everyday carry weapon, with more stopping power.
In Carte Blanche Bond actually carries a PPS chambered in .40 S&W, which is even more of a stopper, and keeping in line with what today's undercover agents typically carry. I liked Deaver's take on Bond, I wish the publishers would have brought him back for another round.
Shawn O, you my friend are an un-educated, d-bag. If you hold a Glock 26 or 27 next to a PPS they have the same exact basic dimensions; length, height. The difference is in the thickness the Glock being 1.18" and the PPS being .9, I have both and they both serve two different functions; Summer/Spring carry: PPS, Winter/Fall carry: G26. Suck it.
Couple of questions for you Mr. Nuts...Which carries more rounds in a standard magazine, in either the .40 or the 9? Which has the better reliability? Which is easier to break down and clean in the field? Which is faster, with multiple rounds, on target? Uneducated? Bite me..
A PPS in 9mm makes more sense. The round is more available internationally, the .40 is more popular as a police caliber here in America.
I agree with the 9mm aspect. Its available worldwide, whereas the .40 is more a North American round. Having said that, if you do a side by side comparison between the PPS and Mini-glock, the Glock is smaller, and carries more rounds. Sorry guys, but thats as realistic as you can get
Not to sound like a gun fanatic but the Glock argument can be dismissed once more. The Walther PPS has three different types of magazines. In 9mm you can have a 6,7, and now 8 round magazine with minimal change to the length of the handle. The PSS also can use the magazine for greater stability when shooting. The Glock is smaller height wise but width wise it's chunky. The Glock is a good weapon but in a custom fitted suit it would print too easy in a shoulder holster as well as other holsters. The Glock also weighs in a bit more which shouldn't make a difference except if you carry it for the whole assignment. As for the ammo capacity, Bond is an assassin/spy/intelligence agent not John Rambo. His assignments are to get in, do whatever his duty is and get out, not fight off an entire army with a subcompact handgun. Sorry but there it is.
I carry a Glock 26 as an off duty gun. The Glock is a little wide and I will probably purchase a Walther PPS. Shawn O, the barrel length doesn't make much difference in concealment, the width is what determines how concealable the weapon is.
Those are resonable arguments for the PPS; although with a custom fitted suit you can get away with a bit of tailoring to hide it. My point with the whole comparision is this: In order for the PPS to have the benefit of the Glock, (IE., ammo capacity), it has to give up its advantages, and then some. The Glock is a standard 10 round mag and to have the same, you would have to take the 8 round mag for the PPS. In doing so you give up the weight and height advantage advantage (although the Glock is 4.17" to the PPS 4.4, with the 7 round mag so it already wins ïn that aspect), and you STILL don't have the equal number of rounds (30 vs. 24 based on the standard carry of 3 mags). I can go with the whole "not fighting off an army" argument as well. Agreed. Having said that, you don't need ammunition until you NEED ammunition BADLY! There are no "timeouts" in a gunfight. Aside from concealment, and if your life depended on it, which would you choose?
Ok, put down the Autopistols magazine turn off the Outdoor channel's Night at the Range and consider this, James Bond is a fictional character. His character revolves around doing things with an unlimited budget, vehicles that are not practical for tactical missions (before anyone says it I know he has gadgets built in), travels all over the world staying at places that would make a prince envy, and wearing very expensive suits. That said, Bond would carry the Walther PPS regardless of ammo capacity because it would be the better choice for his character and his level of confidence in his abilities to come out on top. If you read the novels or watch the movies Bond uses his small concealable pistol to shoot and run. If he needs more ammo he always shoots a bad guy takes his automatic submachine gun and then uses that to shoot and run some more. This is a tactically sound policy which is still being taught to this day. Agreed there are no "timeouts" in a gunfight but that is when training comes in. Bond has the training and the ability.
From Bond's perspective the slight difference in width gives the advantage to the pps, as far as concealment. From a practical standpoint the Glock wins out as far as parts, accesories and holsters. The magazines for the PPS themselves are twice the price of the Glock and good like finding them in most gun stores. Plus consider the fact that the Glock 26 is an established weapon, will the PPS even be around 5-10 years from now? These are things to consider when you pay for your own gun versus it being issued to you.
The PPS stands for Police Pistol Slim, not short.
I might be a little late in this discussion but my two cents on this. I carry a Glock 22 for living as my primary weapon; also I have a Glock 23 as my back up. Both concealed. Nice weapons indeed. When off duty or undercover my Walther PPS is with me and in 9 mm. Why? Concealment and weight are important issues. Also I shoot extremely well with it. I like this weapon so much that I have two of them. While undercover I take both. The best reload is another gun of the same type. On another note, an agent is going to choose a 9 mm instead of a .40. Why 9 mm are easier to get a hold in the international community, might be illegal but easier to find. Why illegal? 9 mm is considered a police and or military round in some countries. Best regards,
I have both. I like both. I carry the PPS more because of the size. It IS thinner. I wouldn't say either one is BETTER. The pros of the PPS is the thin size. The pros of the 26 is that it holds more rounds. It just depends on what you need. Sometimes I wouldn't carry if I couldn't have a thinner gun. I actually shoot better with my PPS, but that's just a personal thing. They have both been very reliable guns.
I carry a walther pps first edition it is one of the beat guns I own. Most company's are now making a gun that they copied from the pps. Xds, shield I shoot my very acuretly at 100 yards great weapon
100 yards with a compact pistol, your windage must be about a foot high. I personally carry a G23 because thats what I use in the field. Love the track record of the Glock, that being said I am going to buy a pps for hot Texas summer carry. Caliber is irrelevant for the most part as most urban situations happen 15m and closer and a good +p JHP makes up for anything from 9mm short to .45acp although 9mm luger is pretty much everywhere. Also most gun fights requiring 5 rounds from each party regardless of magazine capacity.
@ TF 206. Windage is from left to right or reverse. If he has to "hold high" at 100 yds, that has nothing to do with the wind at that range. I have the PPS in 9 and 40. The 40 kicks hard. Need a grip cover for range time on that cal. Favorite seal quote - if I put two in your heart and one in your head, you will not notice the caliber.
"Polizeipistole Schmal or Police Pistol Short" - incorrect. Schmal is German for narrow, which this gun arguably is. Kurz is German for short. PPK stands for Polizei-Pistole Kriminal Kriminal is German for detective
I have fired and own many firearms. Among them I recently acquired the Walther PPS in .40 S&W and a P99 in 9mm. I am not a Glock fan, having fired many, and not especially liking them. The PPS is a decent fire arm for concealed carry, and it is going into my rotation. The P99 was a GREAT and ACCURATE pistol. At 10 meters, I had a shot group of a little over an inch. The problem is, it is a bit big. Planning on picking up a .380 PPK as soon as they start producing them again this summer. All that said, my 3 concealed carry pistols I rotate the most are the Sig 239 (.40 S&W) a Springfield XDS (.45 ACP) and a Sig 238 (.380) which is my pocket gun. Concealment is the key. For smaller guys like me, I have a hard time unless it is small of back. Wearing a shoulder holster looks cool, but unless your suit is cut for it, or you a wearing a couple sizes too big suit and don't mind the super baggy look.

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